Deploy starter server using eGeniusWEB’s PHP SDK on Heroku
eGeniusWEB provides SDKs for varieties of programming languages and platforms. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to deploy our PHP SDK on Heroku with just a few clicks.
Signup for Heroku (free account) if you don't have an account already.
Navigate to the PHP starter project on eGeniusWEB's Github repository –
Click on “Deploy to Heroku” as shown in the screenshot below.
Fill in your app name and paste your public & private API keys from eGeniusWEB Dashboard as illustrated in the screenshot below
After you click on “Deploy for Free”, your PHP starter app should be deployed and running on Heroku cloud.
Click on the “View” button which will take you to the index page of your application that was just deployed.
Navigate to the payment form page and run a test transaction like shown below.
Log in to the eGeniusWEB dashboard and verify that the transaction was processed successfully.
That’s it, we are all set! As you can see, we deployed a PHP starter server and tested an end-to-end integration with eGeniusWEB’s PHP SDK without writing a single line of code. This should give you a glimpse of how simple and easy it is to setup with eGeniusWEB and start using our SDKs and APIs.
This is the beginning. Feel free to clone or fork the starter project to work on your next cutting edge payment solution using eGeniusWEB platform.
Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback.