

Simplify_Customer Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Event Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_ApiException Base class for all API exceptions.
Simplify_ApiConnectionException Exception raised when there are communication problems contacting the API.
Simplify_AuthenticationException Exception raised where there are problems authenticating a request.
Simplify_BadRequestException Exception raised when the API request contains errors.
Simplify_FieldError Represents a single error in a field of a request sent to the API.
Simplify_ObjectNotFoundException Exception when a requested object cannot be found.
Simplify_NotAllowedException Exception when a request was not allowed.
Simplify_SystemException Exception when there was a system error processing a request.
Simplify_FraudCheck Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Invoice Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_InvoiceItem Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Object Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Payment Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Plan Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Refund Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_ResourceList Class Simplify_ResourceList represents a collection of domain objects returned by one of the list<Domain>() methods.
Simplify_Subscription Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Tax Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_TransactionReview Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Webhook Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_AccessToken AccessToken - used to manage OAuth access tokens
Simplify_Authentication Simplify_Authentication - encapsulates the credentials needed to make a request to the Simplify API.
Simplify_Authorization Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_CardToken Base class for all domain objects.
Simplify_Coupon Base class for all domain objects.